
Welcome To NASCO
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NASCO has operated over 20 various types of vessels, owning and chartering in fleet tonnage with capacity of more than 400 thousands deadweight tons, with which NASCO has become one of the most reputable local shipping company group in China. The company has a highly qualified team of over 1,000 seafarers and 50 shore-based managerial professionals with long ocean-going experiences.

NASCO has been certified by ISM code and ISO9001 with sound safety and quality management systems in year 2000, of which the scheme has ensured high level of performance of the fleet, safe navigation and cargo operation, and inner “Market Chain” management has achieved high standards of customer satisfaction and delivered efficiency and reliability throughout the company.

Tel: +86-25-58820501 58820507



A ?Solemn Declaration on the False Report in respect of M/V HEILAN STAR was Allegedly Carrying Cargoes to Iran and Stopped by a British Warship
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